Livestock policies are designed to insure against declining market prices of livestock and not any other peril. Coverage is determined using futures and options prices from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group. Price insurance is available for swine, cattle, lambs and milk. Producers decide the number of head (cwt of milk) to insure and the length of the coverage period. There are two types of plans available: Livestock Risk Protection, for Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, and Swine, provides coverage against market price decline, if the ending price is less than the producer determined beginning price and indemnity is due; and Livestock Gross Margin, provides coverage for the difference between the commodity and feeding costs. If the producer determined expected gross margin is greater than the actual gross margin, an indemnity is due.
Pasture, Rangeland, & Forage (PRF)
PRF provides protection to livestock and forage producers against the lack of rainfall in their grazing or growing operation. This innovative program is designed to give forage and livestock producers the ability to buy insurance protection for losses of forage produced for grazing or harvested for hay.