AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comments.
SUMMARY: This rule establishes a new part specifying the rules and regulations to produce hemp. This action is mandated by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which amended the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946. This rule outlines provisions for the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve plans submitted by States and Indian Tribes for the domestic production of hemp. It also establishes a Federal plan for producers in States or territories of Indian Tribes that do not have their own USDA approved plan. The program includes provisions for maintaining information on the land where hemp is produced, testing the levels of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, disposing of plants not meeting necessary requirements, licensing requirements, and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the new part.
Effective date: This rule is effective October 31, 2019 through November 1, 2021.
Comment due dates: Comments received by December 30, 2019 will be considered prior to issuance of a final rule. Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), comments on the
information collection burden must be received by December 30, 2019.
Federal Register: Establishment of a Domestic Hemp Production Program (Website) PDF